Course curriculum

    1. What is the Up2Circ Learning Academy?

    1. Introduction to module 1

    2. Circular Economy Introduction Video

    3. Circular economy. General concepts

    4. How can we increase circularity in our economy?

    5. Feedback Survey on Module 1.1 Introduction to Circular Economy

    1. Introduction: Expert interview "Circular Business Model Innovation"

    2. What circular business models are. Types and best practices.

    3. Circular Supply Chain

    4. Sharing Platforms

    5. Product as a Service

    6. Product Life Extension

    7. Recovery and Recycling

    8. Explore circular business cases

    9. Communicating transition towards circular business models

    10. How to shape your circular business model?

    11. Key aspects to consider when up-taking circular business models

    12. How to validate technical, economic and social aspects of the adoption of circular business models. Role of feasibility studies.

    13. Reflection module 1

    14. Collection of resources

    15. Feedback Survey on Module 1.2 Circular Business Models

    1. Introduction to module 2

    2. How to implement circular economy. An introduction

    3. Roundtable Interviewees

    4. Circular economy industrial strategies. Types.

    5. From Theory to Practice

    6. Factors for enabling circular flows and making a cyclical supply chain successful.

    7. Servitization. What it is. Assessment of opportunities for servitization (Products as a service).

    8. How to create a realistic long-term vision (Getting started and develop an action plan towards CO2 neutrality)

    9. Extend your product responsibility. Use methods like refund, reward and selective collection systems!

    10. Sustainability and Circular Economy management and reporting systems

    11. Convincing sustainability communications

    12. Feedback Survey on Module 2.1 Circular Economy Industrial Strategies

    1. Interaction of humans and machinery

    2. Social innovation for circularity

    3. Working culture and employees as access points for transition.

    4. New forms of interaction with customers and stakeholders along the value chains.

    5. Reflection on module 2

    6. References and further information

    7. Feedback Survey on Module 2.2 Social Innovation for Successful Implementation

    1. Introduction: why is circular design so important?

    2. Interview with an Expert

    3. 1. Interview with an expert: What are the advantages of a circular product design approach for SMEs

    4. 2. Interview with an expert: Are SMEs ready to face the challenges of circular product design?

    5. 3. Interview with an expert: Which services can the ecosystem offer to help companies undertaking circular product design?

    6. 4. Interview with an expert: Is circular product design cost effective for SMEs?

    7. 5. Interview with an expert: Is there any example of SMEs that have already successfully adopted a circular product design approach?

    8. What is Circular Product Design

    9. Product Circularity Barriers

    10. Design Thinking for Circular Economy

    11. Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)

    12. Use Case - Loudspeakers Becoming Circular

    13. How to communicate the benefits of circular products

    14. Reflection on module 3

    15. Collection of resources

    16. Feedback Survey on Module 3 Circular Product Design

About this course

  • Free
  • 81 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

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